Activities Report 2018

As Europe advances towards a year of big political changes, ECMI will be reflecting on what has been achieved over the past 5 years, and working on what should be done next.

It is clear that more integration in Europe’s capital markets remains an important objective. Progress has been achieved in the markets as well as on the regulatory side, with the MiFID II implementation as one of the most recent signposts. Nonetheless, a considerable gap remains with the most developed capital market in the world, which raises significant competitiveness issues for European industry and its financial sector. Policymakers will therefore have to focus on a few big initiatives to bring more integration, in particular equity and bond markets, financing of start-ups, technology and the supervisory structure.

At ECMI we are happy we can contribute to this process, bringing together a large variety of actors in and observers of Europe’s capital markets in task forces and occasional seminars, while producing short commentaries and more in-depth reports. We are also regularly involved in work for the EU institutions on these matters, during hearings or through detailed studies.

This overview gives a glimpse of our activities in recent years. We are open to any suggestions you may have on what more we can do.

Karel Lannoo, CEO of CEPS and General Manager of ECMI