The development of financial markets has long been central to economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness.
Many advanced economies sell sovereign bonds at a yield below the risk-free rate plus a default risk premium, benefiting from strong demand for safe assets.
Sustaining the current progress towards a Capital Markets Union (CMU) requires both strong political commitment and high prioritisation.
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is often mentioned as one of the examples of the European Commission’s excessive zeal when working to implement the Green
This study calls for a comprehensive review of the financial services landscape if the EU is to address structural inefficiencies, ensure market dynamism and support long-term ec
Pension funds play a strategic role in our societies by providing protection and peace of mind to both consumers and businesses.
Creating a European SEC is now firmly on the cards in Brussels, 10 years after the single supervisor for banking began its work.
Whereas EMIR 3.0’s main focus was geared towards the Active Account Requirement and whether or not to centralise the supervision of EU CCPs with the European Securities and Marke
European banking supervision will have been operational for ten years come November 2024.
With the latest Eurogroup’s statement, the urgency for deeper and more developed capital markets in the EU has finally reached a turning point.
The EU legislative and regulatory agenda is changing the scope of audit.
The EU’s ambition is to encourage clearing at EU CCPs and with EU clearing members.