Activities Report 2020

The year 2020 was a paradigm shift, also for capital markets.

All sectors of the markets were affected, and the need for a well-functioning capital market financing in Europe was again exemplified: to support innovation, in this case in medical research and virtual tools; to finance governments to react to the downturn, and to provide for a compliment bank financing for corporates and SMEs. All this in the market's way, in a very fast response. In the case of ECMI, it allowed us, through our publications, events and statements, to address the many developments and new priorities for capital markets. This report gives an overview of our activities, and the broad set of issues we addressed.

Thanks to ECMI's very representative membership base, we can address issues from its different perspectives in a balanced way. The changes that happened in 2020 will provide us further food for thought for the current year, and beyond. In addition, there are the evergreens, such as sustainable finance, market integration, the fallout of Brexit and European oversight, to provide for a rich agenda of discussions items.

Karel Lannoo, CEO of CEPS and General Manager of ECMI