
2011 ECMI AC: Unravelling the puzzle - Challenges for global asset allocation

Published in 
CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies 1 Place du Congrès / Congresplein 1000 Brussels

Materials (click below to download) 

The 2011 ECMI Annual Conference brought together the best of academia, industry and policy making, to discuss the challenges for global asset allocation in four sessions:  

  • Global outlook in asset allocation: Where will systemic risk reside?
  • Funding corporate governance: Opportunities and challenges coming from debt markets
  • Asset management at a crossroads: Do we need new regulatory and theoretical foundations for a better asset allocation?
  • Economic and regulatory challenges for capital markets: The results of liberalisation and future steps

Keynote speakers

  • Luigi Zingales, Prf. of Finance and Economics at Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Ian Domowitz, Head of Global Research at ITG and former Prf. at Northwestern University
  • Ed Fishwick, Managing Director and Co-head of  Risk & Quantitative Analysis, BlackRock


  • Tatjana Verrier, Head of Unit - Financial Services Antitrust, DG Competition, European Commission
  • Claudia Kruse, Head of Governance & Sustainability, APG All Pensions Group
  • Olivier de Bandt, Director of Business Conditions and Macroeconomic Forecasting at the Bank of France, professor at Paris X Nanterre
  • Daniel Lehmann, Managing Director, Allianz Global Investors
  • Tilman Lueder, Head of Unit, Asset Management, European Commission 
  • Kay Swinburne, Member of the European Parliament
  • Florencio López de Silanes, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School
  • Fabrice Demarigny, Global Head of Capital Markets, Mazars, and former Secretary General of CESR  
  • Peter Randall, CEO, Equiduct
  • Robert Parker, Chairman, ICMA Asset Management and Investors Council
  • Sergio M. Focardi, Prf. Finance and Economics at EDHEC Business School
  • John Berrigan, Director, Financial Stability DG ECFIN, European Commission
  • Anton Brender, Chief Economist, Dexia Asset Management
  • Jeremy Grant, Editor, FT Trading Room
  • Karel Lannoo, General Manager of ECMI and CEO of the Centre for European Policy Studies
  • Steven Travers, Head of Regulatory Law and Strategy, London Stock Exchange
  • Raj Mehta, Executive Director, Principal Strategic Investments, Goldman Sachs
  • Carmine Di Noia, Deputy Director General, Assonime
  • Diego Valiante, Research Fellow ECMI-CEPS