
Call for papers - 2017 ECMI Annual Conference

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The European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) is calling for a submission of research papers on European capital markets and their functioning. A committee of academics and international experts will select the best paper and award the winning author €5,000[1] and give him/her the opportunity to present the findings at the 2017 ECMI Annual Conference in Brussels, an international event that brings together hundreds of policymakers, academics and industry representatives.

Research papers should cover one or more of the following areas:

  • European capital markets integration
  • Impact of monetary policies on capital markets
  • Impact of financial technologies (FinTech) on the investment value chain and capital market structure (e.g. blockchain, digital currencies or robot advisers)
  • Law and finance
  • Behavioural finance (applied to capital markets)
  • Capital markets microstructure and its effect on market efficiency and liquidity (e.g. trading mechanisms, price formation and discovery, market structure and design, information and disclosure)
  • Primary markets activity (e.g. IPOs, rights issue, private placement, preferential allotment)
  • Secondary markets for derivatives, equities and fixed income (e.g. transparency, market abuse, central clearing, risk management, post-trading activity)
  • Market integrity
  • Capital markets regulation

Submission requirements

  • ECMI encourages the submission of empirical research papers with relevant implications for European policymaking and capital markets.
  • Papers should be original and not have been published previously in any academic journal or other official review.
  • The submission of the paper should be approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible institutions where the work was carried out.
  • Papers should be submitted in English, include an abstract of no more than 200 words, and not exceed 50 pages (including appendices, annexes, list of references and index).
  • Any direct contact by one or more of the authors with members of the Academic Committee should be disclosed in the submission email.
  • Upon acceptance of the prize, the author(s) of the wining paper will be asked to complete and sign a ‘Declaration of Originality’, and authorises the publication of the paper on the ECMI Working Paper Series.
  • Two files should be submitted to this email address ecmi@ceps.eu by midnight 29 September 2017:
  1. A title page with the title, the abstract and the full contact details of the author(s) (full name, address, job title, affiliation and contact details). Contact details should appear on the front page only; and
  2. The full text of the paper with title and abstract in anonymous format. No contact details, name or any other direct sign that could make the text attributable to the author(s) by the reviewer should appear in the paper.
  • Failure to meet any of the requirements above can result in the exclusion of the paper from the competition.

Academic Committee

  • Andrei Kirilenko, Imperial College London (Chair)
  • Florencio Lopez de Silanes, SKEMA Business School (Vice Chair)
  • Jesper Lau Hansen, University of Copenhagen
  • Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Swiss Finance Institute
  • Gulnur Muradoglu, Queen Mary University of London
  • Kris Boudt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Alistair Milne, Loughborough University
  • Thierry Foucault, HEC Paris
  • Mark Van Achter, Erasmus University

Organising Committee

  • Cosmina Amariei (ECMI)
  • Apostolos Thomadakis (ECMI)
  • Karel Lannoo (ECMI)

[1] Travel (economy) and accommodation expenses can be reimbursed.

Call for Papers