
2018 CEPS Finance Lab: Europe back on track

Published in 
The Egg, Rue Bara 175, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium


22 February 2018

14h30 - 15h45. Technology: The missing link in compliance?

Regulatory technology’s promise resides in the ease of the burden of compliance through the intensive use of technology. This is supposed to be the only way for financial organisations to remain flexible and productive. Should regtech businesses be promoted by regulators and if they should, what are the best tools (tax incentives, labour skills, etc)? Should specific risks such as the sharing of sensitive data with unregulated fintechs be better addressed by regulators? Can Regtech solutions efficiently address the issue of persistent fragmentation in regulatory standards?

Discussion Leaders

  • Rose-Marie Kennedy, Senior Manager, Deloitte
  • Christophe Buschmann​, Data Protection Commission, CNPD
  • Jean-Michel Pailhon,  ‎VP Corporate Development, Ledger
  • Stewart Room, Partner, PwC UK

Moderator: Sylvain Bouyon, Research Fellow and Head of Retail Finance & Fintech Programme, CEPS

16h15 - 17h30. Where is sustainable finance in the CMU?

In Europe, the capital markets ecosystem needs to further evolve in order to better support the transition towards more sustainable economic models. Many underlying conditions are still missing. Are investors integrating Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) factors at a meaningful enough rate to bring about significant change? Is there a real ‘scarcity’ of sustainable assets/projects in Europe? Should financial regulation/supervision be used as a tool to (dis)incentivize such investments?

Discussion Leaders

  • Bo Becker, Professor, Department of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics
  • Jonathan Taylor, Vice President, European Investment Bank
  • Diego Valiante, Senior Economist, DG FISMA, European Commission

Moderator: Karel Lanoo, CEO, CEPS and General Manager, ECMI


16h15 - 17h30. Brexit and financial services: How will the markets cope?

The market access terms 'post-Brexit' are still uncertain. Many banks are relying on subsidiaries in the EU-27 to continue operating. But will this be enough as supervisors on the continent demand the transfer of key functions?

Discussion Leaders

  • Baroness Falkner of Margravine, Chairman EU Sub-Committee on Financial Affairs, UK House of Lords
  • Jörg Meißner, Head of Division, Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
  • Jean-Pierre Pinatton, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Oddo BHF

Moderator: Nick Collier, Global Head of Government Relations, Thomson Reuters

23 February 2018

9h15 - 10h30 Completing the Banking Union: Emergency liquidity facility for resolved banks

The Banking Union is still incomplete. One of the elements that still missing in the framework to break the doom-loop between banks and governments, is a liquidity facility for resolved banks. The existing emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) facility that central banks provide as a last resort is insufficient based on the first resolution. What are the requirements for a liquidity facility? How should a liquidity facility look like? Who should be able to provide the required liquidity?

Discussion Leaders

  • Alicia Sanchis Arellano, Recovery & Resolution Director, Banco Santander
  • Dominique Laboureix, Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions, SRB
  • Benjamin Sahel, Head of Division of Market Operations Analysis, ECB

Moderator: Willem Pieter de Groen, Research Fellow and Head of Financial Markets and Institutions Unit, CEPS


  • The participation in the Finance Lab is by invitation only. 
  • If interested, please contact Maarja Kuusik by email at: maarja.kuusik@ceps.eu or by phone on +32 222 93 982.