
Investor Protection: Which Way Now? Launch of 'Rethinking Asset Management' in Paris

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Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand 2 Rue Scribe, Paris, 75009, France

On the occasion of launching their report «Rethinking Asset Management» ECMI-CEPS and the CFA Institute will celebrate a debate in Paris on retail investor protection, with the participation of AMF’s Edouard Vieillefond. The report examines the asset management industry and its links with financial stability, product integrity, investor protection and the real economy. A landmark study, the text evaluates the many legislative proposals on the table (including implementation of the AIFMD, MiFID II and PRIPs) as well as the discussions on product integrity in UCITS and ‘shadow banking’.


12:00 – 12:30 Registration and Lunch
12:30 – 12:35 Welcome by René Karsenti, Chairman of the Board, European Capital Markets Institute
12:35 – 13:15 ‘From Financial Stability to Investor Protection and Economic Growth’ - Presentation of the ECMI-CEPS Report ‘Rethinking Asset Management

Introduction (in French) by Agnes Le Thiec, Director of Capital Markets Policy, CFA Institute

Presentation of the Report:

  • Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, Chairman, Incipit and former President, EFAMA
  • Mirzha de Manuel, ECMI-CEPS Researcher

13:15 – 14:00 Investor Protection: Which Way Now? - Debate on the Reform of Investor Protection in the EU

Keynote speech by Edouard Vieillefond, Managing Director, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)

Pannel discussion:

  • Edouard Vieillefond, Managing Director, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
  • Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, Chairman, Incipit and former President, EFAMA
  • Graziella Marras, Director of Capital Markets Policy, CFA Institute
  • René Karsenti, Chairman of the Board, European Capital Markets Institute [moderator]

14:00 – 14:30 Q&A Session (in French and English)


  • Registration free of charge, sponsored by the CFA Institute
  • For more information please contact Mirzha de Manuel at mirzha.demanuel@ceps.eu