
ECMI Roundtable on the Mid-Term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan

Published in 
CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, 1 Place du Congrès/Congresplein, 1000 Brussels

On 8 June 2017, the Commission reported on the progress made so far in implementing the 2015 CMU Action Plan. The Mid-Term Review also sets out nine new priority actions with the timeline to be unveiled in the coming months. At present, capital markets are at different stages of development in Europe, and matching the supply and demand on a cross-border basis is still impaired. Strengthening the long-term savings and investment channel through well-functioning, deeper and highly integrated capital markets remains a priority. This would then lead to more alternative financing sources for companies, better options for retail/institutional investors, and enhanced market-based, private risk-sharing mechanisms.

With the participation of:

Niall Bohan, Head of Unit, Capital Markets Union, DG FISMA, European Commission


  • Georg Ringe, Director, Institute of Law & Economics, University of Hamburg
  • Vincenzo Bavoso, Assistant Professor in Commercial Law, University of Manchester (via Skype)

Moderated by:

Fabrice Demarigny, Global Head of Financial Advisory Services, Mazars and Chairman of ECMI


  • Registration is free of charge for ECMI/CEPS members, EU/national officials, full-time academics, PhD students (subject to available seats), NGOs (not representing industry sectors or a commercial interest) and press.
  • Other participants may be admitted for €175 (VAT included, payable in advance or at the registration desk).
  • The number of places is limited to 30 seats. Therefore, we advise you to register at your earliest convenience. 
  • The registration will be closed on Wednesday 28 June midday.

Registration and sandwich lunch from 12.30 - Meeting from 13.00 to 14.30

Post-event report