
European Capital Markets Union: From Policy to Practical Implementation

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America Square Conference Centre, 1 America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB

The European Commission’ plan to introduce a European Capital Markets Union (ECMU) by 2019 will present significant opportunities to UK banks, asset managers and insurers, particularly in the areas of:

  • The establishment of a reformed securitisation market
  • The development of a US-style private placement market
  • Improved access to equity markets for medium-sized and smaller companies
  • The extension of the corporate bond market to include medium-sized companies
  • The widening of early stage finance for growth companies

Of course, there are a number of significant challenges that will need to be met if the union is to be fully achieved. These include: removing the barriers to cross-border investment, establishing a mechanism to ensure availability of sufficient credit data on smaller and medium-sized companies and creating new investment vehicles to mobilise savings held in different parts of the financial system.  

City & Financial has assembled a speaker faculty of exceptional quality to examine both the opportunities and the challenges that are presented by European Capital Markets Union. Lord Hill, the EU Commissioner who is driving this project forward, has kindly agreed to deliver the keynote address.

Attend this conference to understand:

  • How will ECMU be achieved in practice?
  • Who are the main players involved in its implementation?
  • What are the opportunities for your business arising from ECMU?
  • How will the obstacles to its delivery be overcome so that the 2019 deadline be met?
  • What are the main implementation milestones between now and 2019?

You will also learn about:

  • The shape of the proposed reformed securitisation market
  • How a European private placement market is likely to differ from its U.S. counterpart?
  • What changes will be made to improve access to European equity markets for SMEs?
  • How can the UK and the rest of Europe replicate the success of the U.S. corporate bond market?
  • What can Europe do to improve the financing of early stage investment in companies that may be the blue-chips of tomorrow?
  • What needs to be done to facilitate cross-border investment?
  • How can savings currently held in various ‘silos’ within the financial system be unlocked through the introduction of new investment vehicles

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