Past Events
Overreliance on external ratings by investors has come under scrutiny since the crisis, where it emerged as a source of systemic risk –difficult to mitigate save by increasing transparency and encouraging own due diligence by investors.
In addressing the forthcoming revision of MiFID, the European Commission needs to comply with its G20 commitments. Proposals under discussion seek to push non-equity asset classes (such as bonds, structured products and OTC derivatives) onto 'organised’ trading platforms.
The introduction of an EU-wide tax on financial transactions is set to be a topic for discussion during the next months. In a non-legislative report on ‘innovative financing’ adopted in March by the EP, a wide majority asked for a tax on financial transactions of between 0,01 and 0,05% to be introduced in Europe.
The global financial crisis has brought to light important weaknesses in the functioning of market infrastructures. Historically the middle and back-office segments were addressed purely from an efficiency perspective – but they actually play a major role in mitigating risk and promoting financial stability.
State Street Golbal Markets organises its Annual European Research Conference on the 21st of October 2010 in London. State Street Global Markets is the investment research and trading arm of State Street Corporation. For more than a decade, they have pursued a distinctive research agenda through their partnership with leading academics at State Street Associates, including ECMI.