
The EMIR Implementation Jigsaw: Progress assessment

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CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies 1 Place du Congrès / Congresplein 1000 Brussels

The EMIR Implementation Jigsaw: Progress Assessment

Following the entry into force of the EMIR regulation and the technical standards issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), market participants are dealing with a complex list of requirements to be fulfilled at different deadlines in the coming months. For market participants, the key challenge will be to meet the central clearing and trade reporting obligations, while regulators strive to ensure consistency with non-EU jurisdictions so as to limit the unintended effects of extraterritoriality. This event aims at recapping on-going developments and identifying stumbling blocks in the implementation process, which may further delay the full entry into force of EMIR. The regulation, with its implementing rules, will certainly reshape OTC derivative markets and produce structural changes in the financial industry, with effects for the real economy. Panelists will also discuss long-term market and industry perspectives, taking into consideration the interaction of EMIR with other pieces of legislation.


  • Patrick Pearson, Head of Unit, Financial Markets Infrastructure, European Commission
  • Ido de Geus, Head of Treasury, PGGM
  • Andrew Douglas, Head of European Government Relations, DTCC
  • Joséphine de Chazournes, Senior Analyst, Securities and Investments, CELENT
  • Eric Kolodner, Managing Director, Tradeweb
  • Diego Valiante, ECMI Head of Research and Research Fellow, CEPS [moderator]


  • Participation in ECMI-CEPS meetings is a benefit of ECMI and CEPS membership. ECMI and CEPS members register free of charge.
  • EU and national officials, academics and students, NGOs (not representing a commercial interest) as well as press are also admitted free of charge.
  • Other participants may be admitted for €125 (21% VAT included, payable via online registration secure platform). 
  • If you have questions regarding membership or participation please contact karin.lenk@ceps.eu before registering. 


For more information please contact Karin Lenk at karin.lenk@ceps.eu or phone 0032 2 229 39 78.

post-event report