
Commodities Task Force: First Meeting

Published in 
CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies 1 Place du Congrès / Congresplein 1000 Brussels

In this introductory meeting, participants will discuss the guidelines and the scope of the Task Force, and discuss trading practices, financialisation, competition and market structure in energy commodities markets, specifically on crude oil and liquified natural gas. Regulators, market practitioners, academics, and independent experts will play an active role and provide input to support the discussions. 

Please follow the link below to learn more about this task force and download the prospectus. For any questions do not hesitate to contact Research Fellow Diego Valiante at diego.valiante@ceps.eu or phone 0032 2 229 39 14.

 Topics of this meeting

  • Roadmap and scope of the task force: Where do commodities markets stand? (Diego Valiante)
  • How could the work of this task force be useful to policy-making in Europe? (European Commission)
  • Discussing the terms of reference, scope and guidelines as defined in this prospectus
  • Energy commodities - trading practices and financialisation, competiton and market structure issues
  • Pesentations by members
  • Agenda and dates for next meetings (requests to present by members and guest invitations)
  • Conclusions of the meeting