
Global Financial Stability: How stable are we?

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CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, 1 Place du Congrès/Congresplein, 1000 Brussels

Global financial stability continues to strengthen, thanks to extraordinary policy support, stronger banks, regulatory enhancements, and a cyclical upturn in growth. But vulnerabilities are building, leaving no room for complacency, according to the 2017 October edition of the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report. Monetary accommodation, while necessary, is leading to rising asset valuations and higher leverage. Investors are searching for yield and taking on more risks. Some global banks still confront challenges in adapting business models and sustaining profitability. Risks are shifting to the non-bank sector and market risks are rising. The GFSR calls for careful policy actions now to avoid putting growth at risk.


Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund


Marco Buti, Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission


Daniel Gros, Director, CEPS


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