
Transaction reporting and transparency

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Clifford Chance, 10 Upper Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5GH

This workshop is part of a series of four half-day workshops that are being held over two days – the first two on 2nd June and the other two on 7th July.  This series of workshops builds on the demand from delegates at our highly successful and well-attended MiFID conference, which was held on 27th January this year, for a series of highly focused, specialist events.

This workshop, the fourth in the series, will focus on transaction reporting and transparency. The first three will examine preparing for implementation; conduct and investor protection; and markets & trading.

The Market in Financial Instruments Regulation and Directive (“MiFID II”) will introduce the most significant changes to the conduct of financial services and the market environment since the commencement of the EU Commission’s Financial Services Action Plan. 

It will affect all categories of dealing, broking, asset management and advisory services undertaken by banks, non-banks and other service providers and also their corporate, institutional and retail customers. 

It will also have a major impact on all primary and secondary financial and commodity markets, including regulated markets, NTFs and OTFs as well as clearing houses.

*This event is part of a workshop series on MiFID/MiFIR (click on the workshop names below for more information):

Info and registration