
Time to re-energise the EU’s capital markets

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Seven years since the launch of the Capital Markets Union (CMU), EU capital markets have neither significantly developed nor become more integrated. Instead, European capital markets are highly fragmented, market financing is limited, while the competitiveness of the financial services sector (and the EU’s economy in general) has been battered.

A new study ‘Time to re-energise the EU’s capital markets – Building investable and competitive ecosystems’, now calls for a different approach to create a more balanced financial system, which draws more efficiently on market finance and prioritises local capital market development measures.

Formed in April 2022 to examine how to address these failings, a Round Table of eight industry leaders came together over a period of six months. The study is the result of their discussions, deliberations and research.

This webinar will discuss the outcome of the study and how Europe can build investable and competitive capital markets.


Introductory remarks

  • Lieve Mostrey, Chair of the Round Table and CEO of Euroclear Group

Presentation of the study, discussion and Q&A     

Moderated by Karel Lannoo, Rapporteur, CEO of CEPS and General Manager of ECMI