
ETF Risks: Real or Exagerated?

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Webinar with the participation of ECMI researchers

Amidst all the alarm bells ringing around ETFs, how can you tell fact from fiction? In this complimentary, one-hour webinar we will attempt to provide a balanced perspective of the key risks incurred when investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). We will survey the key debates on ETF structure within the context of the UCITS rules for funds in Europe. We will also highlight some of the due diligence points investors should consider when evaluating different trackers on the same index.

Paul Amery, editor of IndexUniverse.eu, will be joined by Eleanor Hope-Bell of SPDR ETFs Europe, Bert Verdoodt of Clifford Chance LLP, and Mirzha de Manuel of Centre for European Policy Studies to discuss this subject. The webinar will include a 30-minute, interactive question and answer session.


  • Paul Amery, Editor, Journal of Indexes Europe
  • Eleanor Hope-Bell, Head of Northern Europe, SPDR ETFs
  • Bert Verdoodt, Senior Associate, Clifford Chance LLP
  • Mirzha de Manuel, Researcher, European Capital Markets Institute

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