
2024 ECMI Call for papers

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CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies 1 Place du Congrès / Congresplein 1000 Brussels


The European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) is calling for the submission of research papers in the area of capital markets and their functioning.

A committee of academics and international experts will select the best paper and award the author(s) a EUR 5 000 prize and the opportunity to present the findings at the 2024 ECMI Annual Conference that will take place in October/November 2024. This prestigious international event brings together policymakers, academics and industry representatives to take stock of recent developments in European capital markets and analyse their long-term implications.

Research papers should cover (but are not limited to) one or more of the following areas:

  • The competitiveness and attractiveness of EU financial actors and European capital markets
  • Open strategic autonomy in financial services
  • The Capital Markets Union as a driver of economic recovery and resilience (e.g. Listing Act, Retail Investment Strategy, SME financing, green recovery)
  • 23 years on from the Lamfalussy Report, competitive regulation, ESAs review and centralised supervision
  • Corporate governance, data, sustainability and the role of the board
  • Corporate reporting and internal mechanisms of control
  • Central bank digital currencies, digital payments and digital services for retail investors (e.g. regulation, investor protection, financial stability, interoperability)
  • Resilience and resolution of market infrastructures (e.g. trade repositories, central counterparties)
  • The impact of monetary policies on capital markets
  • Bond markets, money market funds, and consolidate tape
  • MiFID II (e.g. transparency, liquidity, research coverage, data)
  • Sustainable Finance (e.g. sustainability, ESG standards, financial reporting, green sentiment, alternative data)
  • Tokenisation, crypto assets, MiCA Regulation, opportunities and challenges for capital markets
  • Artificial intelligence and financial markets, benefits and risks