Sustaining Growth through Innovation in Capital Markets
Well-functioning, deeper and highly integrated European capital markets are expected to play a greater role in providing alternative corporate funding, better savings/investment opportunities and enhancing private risk-sharing mechanisms. As the end of the five years of the Juncker mandate approaches, European capital markets are at a very important intersection. The Capital Markets Union (CMU) project should aim beyond the actions set for end-2019, towards a revamped strategy for EU-27. However, before setting priorities for the future, it was necessary to take a critical look backwards on what has been promised and what has been achieved. Despite the huge demand for capital, innovative companies and small enterprises are tending to prefer staying private longer or not going public at all. Although the Commission is committed to unlocking the full potential of sustainable finance, current ESG investment represents a very niche part of the total fund market. Last but not least, capital markets across Europe, and particular in the CEE region, remain significantly less developed, both in terms of size and liquidity.
Rapporteurs: Apostolos Thomadakis, PhD (Reseacher, ECMI) and Cosmina Amariei (Reseacher, ECMI)