This paper by Peter Dunne explores the reasons why European sovereign bond markets have developed such a high degree of segmentation and considers how this structure could be alt
This policy brief examines the evolution of the hedge fund industry, the industry’s structure and the prospect of regulatory steps looming on the horizon.
The opening-up of the market for equity market data raises the question of whether data will be sufficiently consolidated and of high enough quality post-MiFID, or whether it wil
This ECMI Policy Brief attempts to contribute to the ongoing policy debate on MiFID art.
Jean-Pierre Casey and Karel Lannoo paint a portrait of the likely EU securities market landscape post-MiFiD.
As the European Commission is currently in the process of preparing its White Paper on the enhancement of the EU framework for investment funds (scheduled for November 2006), now
Jean-Pierre Casey and Karel Lannoo provide a detailed critical analysis of the MiFID Directive’s draft implementing measures.